CGM Medisoft

The most popular choice for medical billing software

CGM Medisoft

CGM Medisoft

Combining CGM MEDISOFT with TILT Horizon Cloud Hosting showcases the most comprehensive and intuitive medical billing software solution available. CGM MEDISOFT’s scalability and simplicity allow seamless management of providers and claims, making it a top-rated choice for healthcare organizations of all sizes. Physicians and medical groups across specialties benefit from its time-saving tools for patient scheduling, financial management, collections, revenue management, reporting, and compliance.

CGM Medisoft

CGM Medisoft SaaS

Experience the power of Medisoft Software as a Service (SaaS) without any upfront costs. Combined with TILT Horizon Cloud Hosting, CGM MEDISOFT SaaS offers a compelling solution with a low monthly fee, delivering exceptional performance, scalability, rapid deployment, and complimentary software upgrades. Unlock the full capabilities of Medisoft effortlessly and cost-effectively with our innovative SaaS model.


Elevate your practice efficiency to new heights with TILT Horizon Cloud Hosting by seamlessly integrating CGM MEDISOFT with CGM APRIMA EHR system. This fully integrated solution not only customizes workflows for each provider but also learns and adapts to optimize patient care. With CGM MEDISOFT and CGM APRIMA working together on the TILT Horizon Cloud Hosting platform, simplify your daily tasks and focus more on delivering quality care to your patients.


Integrate CGM PRACTICE PARTNER with CGM PRACTICE PARTNER’s Electronic Health Record (EHR) software to streamline your practice operations. Benefit from its user-friendly interface and innovative Bright Note Technology, ensuring seamless data synchronization and accessibility throughout your entire practice. Elevate your practice to the modern era with this robust and comprehensive solution.

CGM EHR & PM + TILT Horizon Cloud Hosting

Enhance your user experience and simplify your practice management with CGM MEDISOFT, whether you’re utilizing CGM MEDISOFT, CGM MEDISOFT SaaS, or CGM MEDISOFT with CGM APRIMA or CGM PRACTICE PARTNER. By partnering with TILT Horizon Cloud Hosting, you ensure secure access from anywhere – be it the office, home, or on the go. TILT’s Horizon cloud hosting harnesses the power of Lumen’s robust fiber infrastructure and global data center network, delivering enterprise-grade hosting services at competitive rates. Experience seamless accessibility, uncompromised quality, and peace of mind with TILT’s commitment to excellence in cloud hosting. Enjoy an easy, intuitive user experience that empowers you to focus on what matters most – providing exceptional care to your patients.

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(888) 435-4194

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(888) 435-4194